Thursday, September 7th @5:30PM

Hi all!

The first meeting will be at the Fisher Student Center in the Commercial Realty Room (#1023) at 5:30PM. The room is located along the hallway across from the UNCW Bookstore, next to the bathrooms (classy!) We will be using this room only for the first meeting.

The goals of this first meeting will be:

  • Discuss what we each want the group to be
  • Discuss electing officers
  • Plans to expand our presence
  • Learn a bit about each other
  • Open discussion on any topics

I’ve learned that any food must be provided through the UNCW system, unless an exemption is granted, so snacks will not be provided for this first meeting. You can freely bring your own snacks or snacks to share. It is something I’m investigating for future meetings.

RSVP on WaveLink

—Steve Baldwin, President of ASC


  • Discussed the vision of the group, being the first ever meeting.
  • Going around the room, everyone introduced themselves with a small bit of background, some of which launched into short discussions.
  • Mentioned seeking officers for the group.
  • Discussed methods, such as chalking and posting flyers, for outreach.
  • Discussed the impact families have and feeling the need to hide the loss of faith.



