Thursday, March 14th @5:30 PM

Join us for our weekly meeting at Fisher Student Center in the Sunset Beach Room (#1025) @5:30 PM. The room is located in the hallway across from the UNCW Bookstore. Come be part of the conversation!

Our goals are to have open discussions each week, often focusing on current events, societal challenges, and examining beliefs.


  • Pre-meeting Playlist:
    M83 — Midnight City
    Chairlift — Amanaemonesia
  • Mentioned during introductions was the book Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill first published in 1938 which used the devil as a metaphor for one’s inner dark self. The book explores how to face challenges on a path to becoming a better you.
  • Discussed cults and how they manipulate the minds of their followers in such ways that all manner of subjugation, neglect, and abuse can be inflicted. Mentioned was Mother God, otherwise known as Amy Carlson, and her Love Has Won cult. She drank colloidal silver as a natural cure-all which turned her skin blue. This led to a mention of Paul Karason, both famously drank so much colloidal silver that it turned his skin blue. Mother God also took on the name of Pele, the Hawaiian volcano deity causing protest from local Hawaiians. An analysis video of Amy Carlson.
  • Another cult mentioned was The Family International, which was once known as Children of God during a time that they openly sexually abused children as part of their “teachings.” This cult has been mentioned multiple times in previous meetings.
  • The cult Twin Flames Universe was discussed, about their believe that everyone has a divine soulmate, or “twin flame.” The cult believed in only hetero relationships and has been accused of attempting “conversion therapy” and the couple running the cult would pick a twin flame for each follower. This has led some followers to stalk and try to fulfill their coupling even when their match had a restraining order filed against them. (Reminiscent of the “Moonie” couples that Reverend Moon of the Unification Church would pick and perform mass weddings.)
  • Reckless Ben was brought up as he infiltrated both Scientology and The Yellow Deli wearing spycam eyeglasses. His series on Scientology exposed the crazy and repetitive things they would do in their church meetings, as well as the constant requests for their members to pay large amounts of money to the church regardless if they have it or not.

    His infiltration into The Yellow Deli showed how all the employees are cult members, and some are responsible for doing the farming to grow the food the cook with. The cult was claimed to be racist and homophobic as well.
  • The polygamist Warren Jeffs of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) church was mentioned, and his and his fathers number of wives, some married as children. Jeffs had around 80 wives. A recent documentary of the cult explores Jeffs and his replacement Samuel Bateman. Recently, Bateman was caught transporting child brides in a horse trailer. A deep-dive video is available here.
  • Briefly mentioned was Heaven’s Gate, the members of which committed mass suicide so that their souls could ascend to the next level of existence. Additionally, the Reverend Jim Jones murder of his follows, ordering them to drink lethally-laced Kool-Aid.
  • Briefly mentioned was how trans YouTuber Dead Domain infiltrated a small Baptist hate church in Spokane, Washington which called for the execution of gays and trans people.
  • Clips from the documentary Jesus Camp were played in reference to odd experiences attending service at an Episcopal church, including someone collapsing on the floor after “feeling the power of the lord,” which could be scary for a child who might think the person needs help. Speaking in tongues was also discussed, as well as the damage that indoctrination can have on young minds.
  • Attachment theory was discussed, which concerns bonds in humans between child and caregiver.
  • The Ten Commandments were discussed, specifically the first three relating to a jealous god that seeks commitment and respect from its followers, and the tenth being about not coveting slaves, or alternately servants, depending on which version of the bible is used.
  • Discussed was the importance of choosing the right words, as well as how one identifies in terms of their religious beliefs or lack there of. Neil deGrasse Tyson has said that he doesn’t like the connotations that come with calling oneself an atheist, and instead who rather not associate with any grouping, but does admit to being agnostic.
  • Mentioned was how Mary and Joseph knew their child would be Immanuel (otherwise and thereafter referred to as Jesus) and this knowledge was claimed to be brought to Joseph by an angel in a dream. Jesus was literally dreamt up, according to the bible.
  • Post-meeting Playlist:
    L’Impératrice — Anomalie bleue
    Young Fathers — Low
    London Grammar — Strong



